Cepovett head office

Gleizé (France)

White moucharaby for offices

Designed by architect Pierre Minassian, the extension of Cepovett’s head office plays the modernity card with a white mesh that gives the building privacy and protection from the sun’s rays. This mesh offers a double façade allowing for
maintenance of large windows and plays the role of contemporary Moucharaby while protecting the floor from the sun’s rays. Ductal® mesh is made up of 35 panels in 3 different models produced by Taporo. To protect the UHPC, Taporo applied ProtectGuard® CE Special concrete, a clear concrete stain.

• Architect: Aum – Pierre Minassian
• Precast concrete company: Taporo
© Erick Saillet

The product

ProtectGuard® CE

Water/oil-repellent and stain protection for concrete. Compliant with Standard EN 1504-2